Your Account Dashboard

The features of your Account Dashboard in detail

The account dashboard is where you will find information on your personal Forward Education account. 


This is the main page of the Account Dashboard. It provides a quick overview of the My Courses, Memberships, Achievements, and Certificates pages.

My Courses

The My Courses page details all of your registered courses. The information available includes their estimated time, difficulty, status, and enrollment date. If you click on any of the courses you will be automatically directed to that particular course's page in the Learning Library. 

My Memberships

This page details your various memberships and their status.

My Achievements

Achievements are coming soon. Once they are available they will be found here.

My Certificates

Certificates are coming soon. Once they are available they will be found here.


This is where essential account notifications such as course enrollment and completion can be found.

Edit Account

Where you can update all of your personal account information such as name and contact info. 

Redeem A Voucher

Go here to redeem vouchers for memberships and courses. A voucher code will be required.

Order History

The history of all your purchases.

Sign Out

To sign out of the account.