How do I manage a class that is split between online and in-person learners?

Here are some of our top tips so you can support students through hybrid learning:

  1. Distribute the Lesson Link
    Firstly, generate the student-accessible link for the lesson and post it in a location accessible to all students, such as your online classroom portal.
  2. Choose a Learning Approach
    Next, you have two primary options based on what suits your classroom the most:
    1. Send Kits Home: If possible, send the Climate Action Kits home with the students who are attending class virtually. Students in the classroom can then engage in paired programming.
    2. Use Digital Resources: If sending kits home isn't feasible, no worries! Students can access the learning platform from their respective locations using the shared link.
  3. Building and Coding
    1. At Home: For the building section of the lesson, students at home can create prototypes using household materials.
    2. In the Classroom and At Home: When it comes to coding, all students can use MakeCode even without the physical hardware.